Minutes of Snowshoe Cat Society Annual General Meeting
Held on Sunday 19th June at Donnington Park Services Junction 23M1
Present Lynda Ashmore, Steve Parkin, Katy Gee, Les Gee, Richard Jones and Anne Jones
- Chairmans Welcome-Lynda welcomed everyone to the meeting.
- Apologies were received from Janet Ryan, Pauline Kilburn and Kate Bailey.
- The minutes of the last AGM were approved proposed by Katy Gee, seconded by Lynda Ashmore.
- Matters arising-
Tee shirts- we have 3 polo shirts and a fleece to put on the stall.
- Secretarys report-It has been another quiet year regarding prefix applications and there are concerns regarding the number of members actively participating in the running of the society. A discussion was held on how to encourage new members- it was suggested that breeders could join new kitten owners possibly 3 years free membership. It was also mentioned whether we could have junior members, Lynda will check this with GCCF.
It was also noted that we need a regular newsletter to keep members updated.
- Treasurers report Richard presented the clubs accounts
Total income £569.69
Total expenditure £490.64 making a net profit of £79.05
Total funds were £3620.31
The accounts were audited by Anya Thompson this year
Jim Warrender was appointed to audit next years accounts proposed by Katy Gee,seconded by Steve Parkin.
7.Election of Officers. The officers were returned en bloc proposed by
Steve Parkin ,seconded by Les Gee.
- Homing/Welfare Kate Bailey sent a report stating that rehoming has been very quiet recently, there have been enquiries from prospective owners but no cats have been offered. Kate suggested possibly having a Facebook page for rehoming. The meeting thought this a good idea and suggested including lost and found on it. Anne to contact Kate.
- AOB Richard asked where the new signatories form had got to. Lynda has signed and Katy is in progress.
- BAC As there is a BAC meeting following the AGM all matters will be discussed then.
- GCCF Lynda and Steve reported that the last meeting was challenging with no progress being made regarding splitting the foreign section. A comprehensive report of all meetings is available on GCCF website. Any interested parties can comment via Lynda or Steve.
- SCS show This years show was successful with more cats being shown. The show move to January may be an advantage.
Minutes of the Snowshoe Cat Society AGM
Held on Sunday 6th April 2014
At Aldersley Leisure Complex, Aldersley Rd, Wolverhampton, WV6 9NW
Present: Lynda Ashmore, Anne Jones, Katie Gee, Pauline Kilburn, Janet Ryan, Michael Wrigley and Richard Jones.
- Chairman’s welcome and opening remarks Lynda welcomed everyone to the meeting.
- Apologies were received from Carol and Pete Leonard and Mollie Southall.
- The minutes of the 2013 AGM were read and approved in a motion proposed by Michael Wrigley, seconded by Katy Gee.
- Matters arising-
Tee shirts and fleeces- Michael is still investigating these regarding prices
Mollie was thrilled and being made President of the Society.
- Hon. Secretarys report It has been a quiet year with only 1 or 2 prefix applications received
- Hon. Treasurers report Michael presented the Clubs accounts-
Total income £1562.90
Expenditure was £1355.93 making a net profit of £206.97
Total funds were £3126.89
Auditor David Ayrton was appointed proposed by Janet, seconded by Richard.
A donation of £250 was received from Mollie Southall from the first SCS show
Membership- we have 41 members. Looking at other societies fees we are expensive compared to them.
There are not many people showing snowshoes, the breeders could encourage owners to show neuters when they sell kittens.
- Election of officers. The officers were returned en bloc proposed by Katy, seconded by Richard.
- BAC The new EMS codes are starting to come out but so far we only a code for the classic pattern. Once the other codes are out we will need a BAC meeting to approve them and add them to the breeding policy.
- Rehoming/welfare There is no report from Kate Bailey and we have not been able to contact her.
A discussion was held regarding amending the application form to join the SCS. It was felt the existing form may be putting people off joining the Club and also the fees are too high.
It was decided that 2 nominees are not needed and fees are revised as follows-
Membership £4
OAPs and Juniors £3
Joining fee £3
Joint membership £6
Life membership £55
Joint life membership £85
Prefix applications can be approved as long as 2 years membership fees are paid.
Richard offered to adapt Cuddles cats Rescue membership form for the SCS and send to Lynda to put on the website.
Changes proposed by Janet, seconded by Pauline.
The old SCS website- The money we pay to Kelly has run out now so we need to ask her to close the old website down.
Mollies Coldenufforsnow website has a lot of useful historical information on it which will be lost when the website gets taken down. It was suggested that we transfer the information to our website to preserve it.
BAC-A meeting is needed and will be arranged when the new EMS codes are all sorted.
It was agreed that Aldersley Leisure Centre is a good venue for the show.